Welcome to my little place on the "World Wide Web", or as i like to call it, the "Internet."

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week One: Oklahoma Camp

Alright So this week i started working at Bogg Springs, for those of you who don't know, this is a church camp. This week started the camp season for us and we were all excited when we arrived here last friday. We knew the week would be busy as we prepared for the first of the camps to begin.

Friday we mowed, and we mowed and we mowed for close to 7 hours. Not so Bad.

So saturday we wake up and for the next 12 hours we worked on finish up on our latest edition, the rock wall. Meh, starting to get tired.

So after sleeping almost 7 hours, we got up on Sunday and worked on the rock wall until we were "finished"-ish. 18 hours later, we got to that point. The girl staffers arrived at some point that day.

Monday the campers slowly arrived, and we worked on the wall during our "free" time.

Tuesday, we finally got completely done with the wall and were ready to open the wall for kids to climb.

Wednesday was a day in the life of a Bogg Staffer, and so was today. I finally got time to blog, and time to go to the bathroom. i even got to take a nap.

But all week, kids have said some of the most...."intersting" things, so i thought i would share

"I'm a strong swimmer, its just hard"

"I can swim where i can touch"

"The only thing worse than the bullies at this camp is the food"

Cheyenene, one of the girl staffers, has inlightened the staff with some of her vocabulary, with words including....
"Janky" "In-testes" "Rounchy"

But by far, my favorite quote was by Doug Curtis,

"Next week is mostly people"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Time Flies when you're having fun....the complete opposite is true too


I've officially moved back to Van Buren for the summer or whatever. And the general consensus is that it sucks.

I've lived here my whole life, until college and I've been back for about 3 days.

I'm more than ready to go back to Jonesboro. I miss the wonderful trains that delay traffic for what seems like forever. I miss the almost constant rain. I miss CityChurch. I miss the constant 15mph wind. I miss my Mollie....

...but whatever, life goes on, or so they say.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 3:

.....well, i've been wanting to get my blog on, but nothing's really gone on in my life.

but i did find this ballin' video on youtube! check it out

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 1:

So early this morning the ground breaking ceremony for this blog was held. Not too many people showed up. It was quite depressing, however I am taking a page from Kevin Costner's book, "If you build it, they will come." Personally i prefer the "take a public interest survey then if interest is high enough then pursue said object" method, but we'll see how this goes.

Well, someone once started saying this and it caught on, so I think I'll repeat it, "Rome wasn't built in a day." But i would like to add the following "....but this blog might be."

Just for clarification, I think it was the same people that said, "while in Rome." Not sure that applies here but whateva.


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